What is the total cost to own a home in the Twin Cities?
The total cost of homeownership is much more than just the mortgage. Commuting expenses, different auto insurance rates, utility bills, daycare costs, family size and so much more factor in to your monthly expenses.
How Do You Calculate the TRUE Cost of Home Ownership?
With the new integration of TLCengine into NorthstarMLS, Skilled agents can help consumers factor over 31 unique variables and show all the 'hidden costs' of homeownership including local property taxes, commute costs, utility costs, and much more using data from a mix of public and private sources including national, state, and local level data. Many of the data fields are in real-time such as the cost of fuel and Annual Percentage Rates (APR) feeds.
While you can't access TLC on your own, we can help! Contact me today to get started!
I previously blogged about TLC when it was first announced. The bottom line is that a large number of first time home buyers and even some repeat buyers don't consider all the necessary factors in the home purchase because they are only looking at upfront costs. A good agent will spend over an hour interviewing you to narrow down your home search.
Top Reasons Buyers Need A Real Estate Agent
Deciding how much house you can afford to finance
What some real estate agents know about TLCengine: