What's the value of a neighborhood?
Whether you are looking in Lino Lakes, White Bear Lake, Hugo or anywhere in the Twin Cities area, you will find that in addition to the size and condition of houses, different neighborhoods have different values.
Why does the neighborhood value matter to buyers and sellers?
As a seller, your neighborhood may limit or increase the potential value of your home.
As a buyer, knowing the value of neighborhoods will do a few things: It will help you know where you can afford to buy and what is a good price for a certain neighborhood. If you are investing, you will know which areas will likely have the most potential of flipping or quick equity.
So what is the best way to monitor neighborhood values? Get set up on Market Snapshot reports where you can monitor all sales activity.
Get the precise (and accurate) story of what’s going on in YOUR market! It monitors new listings, price reductions and sold prices in your area as well as the average home prices in your area, average time it takes to sell in your area and a couple other stats. You can have it come weekly, monthly or quarterly. I’ve got it covered so it’s no cost to you. Just sign up here to receive it FOR FREE.